Saturday, August 26, 2017

Today is National Dog Day

 I would like to introduce you to my friend Skylar.  He is a retired racing greyhound. I adopted him through a fantastic organization called KC REGAP (Kansas City Retired Greyhounds as Pets).
Skylar (FKA Classy Skylar)

This is my Skylar; my friend. I couldn't have a better friend. He is my walking buddy. When I first got him, he had to learn everything. He didn't know what the sliding glass door was. He didn't know what the screen door was. Since he had always lived in kennels, he didn't know how to climb flights of stairs. I had to teach him one paw at a time. The good news was that he was potty trained from the day I got him. He hardly ever barks, but he does howl occasionally.   I didn't know greyhounds howled like the hounds of the Baskervilles.

Mostly they're very quiet dogs. Rated one of the best dogs for apartment living. They need very little exercise, but they do need a fenced-in yard or fenced-in area if they are to run free.  We always need to be careful and keep them on a leash, because they are sight hounds. If they see prey a long ways away they will take off running. Since they can reach  speeds near 40 mph in a very few strides, you'll never be able to catch them. You always need to have tags on their collars, so someone can call you and bring your friend home. Of course, the best idea is never to let them off their leash so they cannot  be tempted to run off. Skyler doesn't have a very strong prey drive. He ignores both rabbits and squirrels now. That's probably why they retired him.

 I can't encourage you enough to reach out and adopt one of these wonderful dogs. They make lovely family pets. And when they retire there's no place for them to go but your home. Search for a greyhound adoption organization near you.if you're in the Kansas City area please contact KC REGAP-
Skylar says Thanks 

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